Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Goal of the Project.

I'm a girl and I like comics, any comic I can get my hands on. I started reading comics out of the long boxes in my garage when I was seven years old. My dad used to collect all the old X-Force comics and I loved them. One of my first memories I have as a child is watching the Old X-men cartoons with my dad. So needless to say the X-men and all related parties are my all time favorites. But Comics in general and the comic book culture are absolutely ingrained into my being. There is one thing I will go fangirl over and Comic books are it. I've always loved to write things, even though the things I write are usually slam poetry and short stories. I'm now a sophomore in college and I recently started working as a writer for my school's newspaper (primarily arts and entertainment), and I love it. So I decided that it would be a good thing to combine the two things I love, writing and Comics books, so I am now trying to launch my own comic book review site. So start small go big. There is no better time to start then now.

Why Good Girl Comics?
Because bad girl comics try too hard. Plus one can never go wrong with alliteration.

-Shay'l Rose Hansen

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