Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Uncanny X-men 515 review

COVER BY: Greg Land
WRITER: Matt Fraction
PENCILS: Greg Land
INKS: Jay Leisten
COLORED BY: Justin Ponsor
LETTERED BY: VC - Joe Caramagna

A plethora of new faces join the X-men cast as a ragtag bunch of new villains decide to attack Scalphunter in the beat-up restaurant we last saw him in way back in Divided We Stand. All the little logistics of raising an asteroid that has been at the bottom of the ocean for at least a decade has come to Scott’s attention and it all is beginning to beat down on him. Emma is still stuck in her diamond form in order to contain the sliver of the void that remains in her after her confrontation with the Sentry in the Utopia crossover. The issue ends with the much anticipated return of the X-men’s greatest enemy and their greatest ally.
While I am not usually a fan of Fractions writing this book seems to put him in his own. Unlike the choppy “I am no one attack dog” of the Utopia crossover, the dialogue flows and the dialogue between Scott and Emma is especially in character. None of Greg Land’s art seems to be copied out of porn or Maxim. However in some pages the characters seem far to posed and stiff to be real. Although I must give kudos’ to colorist Justin Ponsor and inker Jay Lienstien for an exquisite diamond Emma Frost. It was absolutely beautiful. Issue 3.5 out 5.

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