COVER BY: Mike Choi|Sonia Oback
WRITER: Craig Kyle
Christopher Yost
PENCILS: Mike Choi
Sonia Oback
INKS: Jason Pearson
COLORED BY: Sonia Oback|Dave Stewart
LETTERED BY: VC - Cory Petit
X-23 is finally home safe and sound after her misadventure with Agent Morales and Kimura. I had greater hopes for the story, but I was left with a blinking light screaming “FILLER ARC!” The story arc served no greater purpose other than to keep readers at bay for three months as we wait for Necrosha. Throughout the arc, not much actually happened. We see X-23 get her arm chopped off and Logan gets to wallow in guilt. And the issue of Julian and Laura’s “relationship” is touched on briefly and will likely be expanded upon when Laura returns home next issue. But all in all we see X-23 finally come to the realization that she cannot escape who she was.
However, the story feels rushed and as previously stated, meant to keep fans at bay as we head into Necrosha. The art however is fantastic and Choi continues to impress as the panels seem to slow down the rushed story. My only complaint concerning the art is of the final snipet of the story. We are given a taste of Necrosha and we finally get to see Douglass Ramsey and he looks featureless. There are no traits that clearly define him. I’m not as familiar with Ramsey’s character as I would like to be. However, the art for the character seemed featureless and bland in comparison to all of Choi’s other work. That being stated, Choi brilliantly captures the emotions of Laura and Logan throughout this issue and it’s clear exactly what they are thinking and what they are experiencing and is in a word amazing. 3.5 out 5.