Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cable 19

COVER BY: Dave Wilkins
WRITER: Duane Swierczynski
INKS: Rodolfo Mariano Taibo
COLORED BY: Thomas Mason
LETTERED BY: VC - Joe Caramagna

Cable continues his battle with the invading brood parasites in this issue. While the issue has seemed to have picked up steam Post-Messiah war, the dynamic of Cable and Hope avoid Bishop still plays a major role to the story dynamic. Cable continues to be a book that serves as a place holder for Hope as we prepare for the third part of the Messiah Trilogy, which, will occur in March 2010 as announced this week on CBR. This issue is another dull filler precluding the upcoming return of Jean Grey. The art is second rate to the point where it is impossible to distinguish Hope from a boy. However the art succeeds in making Cable look his age other than a grey haired body builder. The dark lines make the panels look busy and cluttered. But despite all it’s short comings the issue was not terrible. It succeeds in what it set out to accomplish which is grow Hope up until she is ready to return to her own time. 2.25 out 5.

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