COVER BY: David Yardin
WRITER: Peter David
PENCILS: Valentine De Landro
INKS: Pat Davidson
COLORED BY: Jeromy Cox
LETTERED BY: VC - Cory Petit
The epic man kiss that broke the internet in half is finally addressed in X-factor 49. PAD continues to amaze as the his powers of dialogue and characterization deliver fantastic conversation between a joyous Rictor, a disturbed Guido, and an completely unfazed Shatterstar. The red haired alien’s long leave of absence from the Marvel Universe is briefly explained and then brushed away to reveal a new power-set that will likely be left unexplained till after the jump to issue 200. Beyond the comedic triad things are heating up in the future as the Cortex is summoned by Dr. Doom to destroy all mutants.
While the issues writing is superb, it’s terrible that I can’t say the same about the artwork. Valentine De Landro’s artwork, while fantastic from distance shots, have deformed close ups. Faces look like they have been smushed and eyes are often not level and to far apart. He should probably stick to anything that is not a close up of a character’s face.
The issue is full of clever writing, brilliant characters, and a large dose of suspense. This is the perfect issue to bring the story arc into it’s conclusion at issue 50 which will be at your local comic book stores on October 28th.
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