COVER BY: Greg Land
WRITER: Marjorie Liu
Daniel Way
PENCILS: Stephen Segovia
INKS: Jay Leisten
COLORED BY: Marte Gracia
LETTERED BY: VC - Cory Petit
Daken is put up against a group of mis-fit low-level villains…and loses in Dark Wolverine number 79. The story follows Daken as Norman Osbourne desperately tries to cover up the now infamous “move you stupid bitch!” that Daken leaked on the internet. The story remains ambiguous as to what Daken’s plan actually is. On the one hand he is giving the pseudo Ms. Marvel, Karla Sofen, porn and has repeatedly flirted with her. He’s propositioned Bullseye, Ares, and Venom sexually. He has struck a deal with the Fantastic Four and it was him who leaked the video onto the internet. So the question still remains. What is Daken’s end-game. We know that his ultimate goal is to humiliate his father and enact his revenge on him. However, the problem that remains is how this achieves his ultimate goal. It seems that his current plan is to do all that he can to destroy Norman Osbourne, and sexually toy with the other Dark Avengers. But what does that do for him and his rampage against his father.
Marjorie Liu continues to impress with her development of an extremely complex character. Under her pen Daken has become far more than an angry pit-bull with daddy’s claws. The writing remains amazing. However it seems that the artwork has slid quite a bit since Camuncoli and Catacchio left the book last issue. The new artist, Stephen Segovia joined the project last issue. The artwork is uneven throughout the issue. Some pages are clean and precise, whereas other are dark and cluttered.
The story progresses fairly quickly and the complex characters flow easily together. It will be interesting to see where this story is going and how it will tie up into Daken’s ultimate goal.
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